We're here to help
GriefShare is a grief recovery support group where you can find help and healing for the hurt of losing a loved one.

GriefShare is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

Grief cannot be rushed

You may wish you could bypass the difficult emotions or push down the pain. Or maybe others are pressuring you to “get up and move on.” But healing from grief and loss requires you to go through your grief. We have resources that can help you find relief and stability.

There’s no “right way” to grieve

Feeling angry or full of regret? Are you depressed and wondering how to heal? Do you walk around in a mental fog? All this is normal. And while your grief journey is unique, you’ll find many grieving people are facing the same struggles. And others who’ve gone before you can help.

Finding support is crucial

Grief is a journey that shouldn’t be traveled alone. You may feel like no one understands and be tempted to isolate, but as counselor David Bueno Martin says, “Healing happens in the context of finding others who can help you.” GriefShare is a safe place to find support.

GriefShare at Kings Point

Watch the video below to hear directly from a past attender.
Groups Now Forming

GriefShare meets every Monday night from 6pm-8pm at Kings Point Church of God

5600 St. Rt. 48 | Maineville, Ohio 45039

Call (513) 494-1896 for more information.

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